Retired President and CEO of The Dahlem Company

Dahlem has lost another dear friend. With sadness we announce the passing of Jerry Hinton, our past President and CEO of The Dahlem Company. Jerry started his career as a junior draftsman for Joe Dahlem and Dahlem Construction Company in 1954 and retired 46 years later at the helm of the organization. During his entire career he was held in high esteem by his co-workers, the Dahlem family and the customers he faithfully served. His calm demeanor guided the company through difficult times and his ability to gain the trust of his customer led to consistent repeat business for the company. Bernie Dahlem often told the story that the company was about to lose a construction project and Jerry stepped in, free handed a drawing in front of the prospective customer and won the contract for the construction company. Jerry Hinton was talented, honest, patient and diplomatic. He had the ability to see humor in most anything. He was the best friend that anyone could ever have. We are indeed blessed to have had him with our company and a part of our lives.